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Where to find us
263 Industrial Drive
Hollins, VA 24019
Toll Free: (800) 277-6163
Phone: (540) 992-3960 • Fax: (540) 992-4796
Our Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:00-4:30
Friday: 8:00-4:00
Saturday & Sunday: closed
KCI & Firestop of VA Win Safety Awards
This past Friday (January 27th) our Safety Director, Becky Montgomery, was invited to an annual Contractor’s Safety Meeting hosted by CMA & Liberty University for all LU jobs. This meeting requires each contractor working on Liberty University jobs to send a safety representative to recap the previous year and changes that are going into effect for the future year. CMA & Liberty also highlight contractors that worked on jobs the past year that went without any incidents. Kirby-Cundiff Insulation and Firestop of Virginia won multiple awards for their safety this past year. The Liberty Jobs were the Academic Performance Center (Firestop of VA & KCI), Commons Housing III (Firestop of VA & KCI), & SCA Green Hall Renovation (KCI). We are very proud of everyone’s hard-work in trying to promote a safe work zone for all of our employees. Our goal has been and always will be for our employees to return home how they left that morning. We appreciate all the effort that has been put into safety for our field workers and hope to continue our success.
Employees who were CMA Approved to work these three jobs:
Becky Montgomery, Jim Lambert, Russell Ramsey, Kyle Matusevich, Carlos Portillo, Joseph Lambert, Gary Wright, Barry Wright, Michael Primm, James Palmer, John Brogdon, Kody Outhong, Steve Caudle, Randy Moorefield, Randall Dickerson Jr., Sam Sampson Jr., Danny Kersey Jr., John Harrison Sr., John Harrison Jr., Chris Walker-Wells, Robert Blankenship, James Tanaka, Kenneth Hubbard, Cody Flinchum, & Fred Guy.
New Pad Shop
We are happy to announce that we now have a full-time Pad Shop located in our Asheville Office. We have been making removable pads for the past several months. Dan Hargis and Jan Smith have had many years of experience. We are very pleased to have them on our team now. Our pads have been used for our jobs along with selling them to other companies for their own use of them. Please enjoy a couple of the photos of the pad shop.
Employee of the Month: Kim Matusevich
Employee of the Month:
Kim Matusevich
Kirby-Vass/Firestop of Virginia: Office Manager
Total Years of Service: 13 years
Nominated By: Greg Cundiff & Tom Kirby
Employee of the Month Write-Up:
Our November Employee of the Month goes to Kim Matusevich. Kim is our Office Manager for Kirby-Vass and Firestop of Virginia. Kim works hard day-in and day-out to make sure all the fine details of the company are running smoothly. She deals with anything from computer issues, billing questions, registering our new hires, payroll, and many more things. She handles things that make the company continue to run efficiently. While juggling all these different duties, she continues to have a great attitude about everything. Kim displays an excellent work ethic and motivates others around her. We are very lucky to have someone like Kim Matusevich working for us.
Toolbox Talks 12.2.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The main content for the talks covers how to drive safely.
Toolbox Talks 12.2.15
Toolbox Talks 11.18.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The main subject of the Talks for this week covers how Workplace Accidents can be very costly.
Toolbox Talks 11.18.15
Employee of the Month: Johnny Broughman
Employees of the Month:
Johnny Broughman
Kirby-Vass: Assistant Project Manager
Total Years of Service: 25 years
Nominated By: Greg Cundiff & Tom Kirby
Employee of the Month Write-Up:
Our October Employee of the Month goes to Johnny Broughman. Johnny is an Assistant Project Manager and handles the Roanoke area. Johnny continues to demonstrate how to be a model employee. He is hard-working and efficient with everything that he does. Johnny has been with the KVI since 1990. He is currently one of the longest active employees for KVI, which includes the two owners. Johnny is called upon to handle one of the busiest areas in our company and does a great job running them. He is asked to juggle between big jobs and small jobs and finds a way each time to make the job successful. To a lot of our customers, Johnny is considered Kirby-Vass and that says a lot about him as a worker. He overall is a great leader, influence, and KVI employee. He is considered one of the “Kirby-Vass Originals” and we are happy to have him all these years later still doing an outstanding job for our company.
Toolbox Talks 11.4.15
Please see below for this week’s Toolbox Talks. This edition covers what to do when the weather starts to get cooler.
Toolbox Talks 11.4.15
Toolbox Talks 10.28.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The TBT covers Fall Prevention for Ladders.
Toolbox Talks 10.28.15
Toolbox Talks 10.14.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. It covers electrical safety.
Toolbox Talks 10.14.15
Employee of the Month: Chris Walker-Wells
Employee of the Month:
Chris Walker-Wells
Firestop of Virginia-Fire Stop Technician
Total Years of Service: 2 years
Nominated By: Mike Divers
Employee of the Month Write-Up:
For the month of September, our Employee of the Month is Chris Walker-Wells. Chris works for Kirby-Vass Insulation’s sister company, Firestop of Virginia. Chris was nominated by his project manager, Mike Divers, because of his hard work and dedication on the Liberty Commons job. The Liberty Commons job is one of the biggest jobs we currently have going on for Firestop of Virginia and Chris was the lead man on the job. He has done an outstanding job managing and maintaining quality work throughout the tenure of the Commons job. Chris has been with us for over two years and he is always working to get potential employees to call us and inquire if we are hiring. Several current KVI and Firestop of Virginia employees have been brought on to our company by Chris’s recruiting. Chris has shown great dedication to the company with his efficient work, recruiting, wiliness to travel for jobs, and overall great attitude at the job sites. Thank you Chris for your hard work, it has not gone unnoticed.
Toolbox Talks 9.30.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The material covered this week tells you how to protect yourself from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Toolbox Talks 9.30.15
Toolbox Talks 9.16.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The Talks will cover how to be more aware of asbestos in the workplace.
Toolbox Talks 9.16.15
Toolbox Talks 9.3.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. It covers how to keep an healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude.
Toolbox Talks 9.3.15
Employee of the Month-John Harrison
Employee of the Month:
John Harrison
Mechanic-West Division
Nominated By: Greg Cundiff, Tom Kirby, & Bill Hurd
Employee of the Month Write-Up:
August’s Employee of the Month goes to John Harrison. John, also known as “Psycho” in the field, works as a mechanic in the Roanoke Area for the West Division. John has been a driving force in helping the Roanoke Area this busy summer. He has put in an incredible amount of hours in for us to help calm the storm of high priority jobs needing to be done. Often John has been working Saturdays and Sundays to make sure we stay on top of the jobs. Since May, John has worked 117 out of a possible 126 days in the field. At one point in the summer, John had worked an amazing 10 weeks straight without taking a day off. His hard work has not went unnoticed by KVI and his fellow workers. John has worked a large amount of hours and still been able to keep producing quality work which is one of the main goals for KVI. John has been willing to go the extra mile this summer and help out in difficult situations. We applaud him for his hard work and attitude during this spree of long hours.
Toolbox Talks
Please read and enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. Toolbox Talks for this week covers workplace safety and the role each person plays in work place safety.
Toolbox Talks 8.26.15
Toolbox Talks 8.19.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The talks explain how to be aware of any asbestos while on the job site.
Toolbox Talks 8.19.15
Toolbox Talks 8.5.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The material covers why it is important to wear and use your personal protective equipment.
Toolbox Talks 8.5.15
Toolbox Talks 7.29.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The content for this week cover points on how to lift, carry, and transport heavy loads of equipment and material safely.
Toolbox Talks 7.29.15
Employees of the Month-Johnny Troxell & Javier DeLeon
Employees of the Month:
Johnny Troxell.
Foreman-East Division
Total Years of Service: 12.5 years
Nominated By: Greg Cundiff and Tom Kirby
Javier DeLeon
Mechanic-East Division
Total Years of Service: 11 years
Nominated By: Greg Cundiff and Tom Kirby
Read more
Toolbox Talks 7.22.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The main subject covers electrical safety in the workplace.
Toolbox Talks 7.22.15
Toolbox Talks 7.15.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The main focus is on Aerial Lift safety.
Toolbox Talks 7.15.15
Toolbox Talks 7.8.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The main content covers how to handle the heat while working.
Toolbox Talks 7.8.15
Kirby-Vass Crew Receives Praise
Kirby-Vass would like to recognize Danny Mays and his crew for their hard work at Liberty University. Danny and his crew have received high praise from members of other contractors at Liberty. Kirby-Vass recently was awarded the new Liberty Student Center as an upcoming job and one contractor commented that he felt confident and comfortable with Kirby-Vass doing the job because Danny and his crew will be working it. This is a great example how hard work and great execution of the job can lead this company to continued success. We would like to thank Danny and the rest of his crew for their work ethic and representing Kirby-Vass Insulation the right way.
Special Thank You
Kibry-Vass would like to say a special Thank You to anyone that worked over the Holiday weekend. We are very appreciative of you for taking time out of your personal days and coming back into work to help the company out. Keep up the good work and Thank You again for coming in this past Holiday weekend.
Toolbox Talks 7.1.15
This week’s edition of Toolbox Talks covers tips on Fall protection. Please click on the link below and enjoy.
Toolbox Talks 7.1.15
Employee of the Month-Bill Hurd
Bill Hurd
Project Manager-West Division
Total Years of Service: 1.75 years
Nominated By: Greg Cundiff and Tom Kirby
Read more
Toolbox Talks 6.24.15
Please enjoy reading our Toolbox Talks for this week. The main material covers construction site hazards and how to be safe around them.
Toolbox Talks 6.24.15
Toolbox Talks 6.17.15
Please read and enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. Becky has focused on how employee’s should protect themselves while being in the field.
Toolbox Talks 6.17.15
Toolbox Talks 6.10.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. This Toolbox Talks focus on an important issue for our workers in the field and keeping themselves hydrated.
Toolbox Talks 6.10.15
Toolbox Talks 6.3.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The main content is giving tips on how to protect your hands while working.
Toolbox Talks 6.3.15
Kirby-Vass Adds a New Office
Toolbox Talks 5.20.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. This week’s edition is talking about ladder safety.
Toolbox Talks 5.20.15
Employee of the Month-Shannon Wilborn
Shannon Wilborn
Mechanic: Lynchburg-South Boston-Roanoke Area
West Division of Kirby-Vass
Total Years of Service: 2.5 years
Nominated by: Bill Hurd
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Radford Recognizes Two of Our Own
We are excited to extend our congratulations to Kristy Montgomery and Eric Sumner after being recognized for their hard work in a job they did for Radford University. The University had kind words to say about everyone involved in a certain project. They highlighted how they had outstanding teamwork and work ethic. Kirby-Vass is very proud of Kristy and Eric! Project Manager Bill Hurd says this is not the first time in recent months that Kristy and Eric have been giving high praise from customers. He said they have done multiple projects for multiple people that have came back with the same result of praise. Good job Eric and Kristy! We are always grateful when the customers appreciate our hard work and craftsmanship. Keep up the good work.
Toolbox Talks 5.13.15
Please see link to this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The subject matter for this week has to do with protecting people below you during overhead work.
Toolbox Talks 5.13.15
Toolbox Talks 5.6.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The main focus is on tips for manual material lifting.
Toolbox Talks 5.6.15
KVI & FSOVA Launch Social Media
Kirby-Vass and Firestop of VA now have a Facebook and Twitter account. We will use these social media tools to help spread the word about things that are going on with both companies along with this website.
Facebook Account:
Twitter Account: @KVI_FSOVA
KVI Continues to Sponsor Fab 5k Run
Kirby-Vass has been a mainstay as a sponsor for the Fab 5k Run. The Fab 5k is an event that has been going on in the Roanoke area for 19 years now. We are excited to continue to help support a local event that brings joy to people around us. The Fab 5k will be on August 15th at 8:00. The race will be held at Green Hill Park. For more details please see the link below.
KVI & FSOVA Sponsor Light Up the Night 5K
Employee of the Month-Theodore Bradford
Employee of the Month:
Theodore Bradford
Mechanic-Roanoke Area
West Division of Kirby-Vass Insulation
Total Years of Service: 10 years
Nominated By: Kim Matusevich and Greg Cundiff
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Kirby-Vass Makes the News
Roanoke’s local News Channel WDBJ 7 did a nice feature on the construction of the new Heritage High School. While their cameras were taking some action shots of different trades doing their part on the school, our very own Kyle Matusevich was spotted. Please click on the link below to see the video. Kyle was sealing Duct Wrap in the early part of the video. (9 seconds into video)
Online Timecard Submission
Attention Kirby-Vass and Firestop of Virginia Employees: Under the Employee Login page, we now have a Online Timecard Submission Form. Unlike the Excel Form we already offer, this Online Submission Form will directly send your Timecard to Kim once you have filled it out and hit submit. If you have any questions please call the office and Trent will walk you through how to do it.
Toolbox Talks 4.22.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. This week we cover how housekeeping can help out at the job site.
Toolbox Talks 4.22.15
Toolbox Talks 4.15.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The main topic is tips for trainers.
Toolbox Talks 4.15.15
Safety Efficiency Award
Safety Efficiency Award: Kirby-Vass Insulation and Firestop of Virginia will now incorporate a Safety Efficiency Award to all of our field employees. Every 3 months you have not had an accident while working in the field, you will be given a hardhat decal to show off your hard work. April 1st, 2015 was the start to our 2015 business year, so we will start the 3 month period from that date going forward. There will be two different decals. The Kirby-Vass Insulation decal will be blue with white writing. The Firestop of Virginia decal will be white with red writing. Kirby-Vass Insulation and Firestop of Virginia have put a great emphasis on safety in our workplace. You all have embraced the emphasis also. We are very proud of how hard everyone has worked and we would like to recognize individuals who are consistently safe.
New Policy on New Hires & Hardhats
New Hire Hardhats: For the first 120 days, each new hire we have on our job site will be required to wear a different color hardhat from the rest of our company. The New Hire’s hardhat will be a “Hi-Vis Yellow” colored hardhat. Both Kirby-Vass Insulation and Firestop of Virginia will be required to wear this new hardhat until the appropriate time has been reached. This change is to help our new hires get accommodated with our standards on the job site. The new hardhat will also help the veterans know when they see that different color hardhat that a new hire is on site and we need to provide some extra attention towards them. As Kirby-Vass Insulation and Firestop of Virginia continue to work on our safety and quality of work for each job, we believe this change can be a proactive way for our veterans to encourage, teach, and help develop our new hires from the first day on the job.
Toolbox Talks 4.8.15
Toolbox Talks 4.8.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks. The focus is on washing your hands and staying healthy.
Toolbox Talks 4.1.15
Please enjoy this week’s Toolbox Talk. The main material is on ladder safety.
Toolbox Talks 4.1.15
Employee of the Month: Becky Montgomery
Safety Director
Kirby-Vass Insulation/Firestop of Virginia
Total Years of Service: 15 years
Nominated By: Tom Kirby
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Kirby-Vass Wins Safety Award
Kirby-Vass is proud to announce that our company was the recipient of the 2014 Theodore H. Brodie Distinguished Safety Award. This award is giving out by the National Insulation Association (NIA) to recognize companies for their outstanding efforts in safety in the insulation industry. Kirby-Vass Insulation has taken a proactive approach to safety in these past years and we are happy to see the employees’ hard work pay off. Becky Montgomery (Safety Director) and Eddie Montgomery (Foreman) flew down to San Antonio, Texas to receive this honor for our company.There will be a story to follow on how the experience was for Becky and Eddie on their exciting trip.
Toolbox Talks 3.25.15
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Toolbox Talks.
Don’t Cut Corners on Safety!
Toolbox Talks 3.25.15
Toolbox Talks 3.18.15
Attached is our Toolbox Talks for March 18, 2015. Please enjoy.
Toolbox Talks 3.18.15
Toolbox Talks 3.11.15
Toolbox Talks 3.11.15
Attached is our Toolbox Talks for March 11, 2015. Please enjoy.
Toolbox Talks 3.4.15
Attached is our Toolbox Talks for March 4, 2015. Please enjoy.
Toolbox Talks 3.4.15
Employee of the Month: Donald Loyd Jr.
Foreman-Harrisonburg Area
East Division of Kirby-Vass Insulation
Total Years of Service: 11 years
Nominated By: Tom Kirby and Greg Cundiff
Read more
Welcome to Our New Website Part 3
Welcome to Our New Website Part 2
Welcome to Our New Website Part 1
Lift Safety Video
Don Holliday Golf Tournament
The Don Holliday Golf Tournament has been huge charity event for the Roanoke Valley for the past 20 plus years. It honors the late Don Holliday. The Don Holliday provides a chance for a deserving boy or girl from Southwest Virginia who has an interest in golf to win a scholarship for college.
Click here to learn more!
Dragon Boat Race
Click here to learn more!